Friday, September 30, 2011

Can't Get Enough Quotes!

I apologize for not posting since my interview, but I've been battling Lyme disease. Today was the first day I could somewhat function, but it leaves me feeling exhausted! Yesterday Roman Price shared another remarkable quote via LifePulp, and I couldn't resist posting it on TeenSanity. This quote is taken from one of my favorite childhood movies. To me, this quote portrays the exact mindset we need to have in life. If we don't believe in ourselves, who will? As teenagers, we need to not let people tell us what we can't do, but turn that into determination to do whatever we set our mind to. The minute we let negative thoughts invade our mind and detour us from our goals, we've lost our ability to reach that goal. So many people have told me I will never accomplish anything, but now every time I hear that, it makes me even more determined to reach my goals. I know that if I believe in myself and have the courage to go after my goals, I've got a pretty good shot at reaching them! Every moment you have the slightest doubt in yourself, please read this:

"The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it." Peter Pan

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Interview with a Superhero!

Yes the title is correct-I interviewed a superhero and his name is Roman Price! Roman is the founder of LifePulp (, an inspirational social network. I was lucky enough to hear Roman speak at the Teen Business Summit and from that moment, I knew I wanted to interview him for TeenSanity. Roman has the uncanny ability to see the positive in the world and help others recognize it too! Often in life, I can feel overwhelmed, stressed, and just feel like the world is crashing down. However, Roman's wisdom always has the power to open my eyes and recognize all the good things I am blessed to have in my life. There can seem like there are so many challenges in our life, but Roman's recognizes obstacles and failures in a way that has truly changed my perspective on life.  In this interview, Roman and I cover topics from drugs and alcohol to opportunities to the power of our minds to the importance of exercise and healthy eating! Please take the time out of your day to watch this-Roman's wisdom truly has the power to make a profound impact on your life like he has done on mine! The link to the video is: If you are ever in need of some inspiration, follow Roman on twitter at!/RomanPrice or like him on facebook, I believe Roman is a world changer with his wisdom and incredible outlook on life, and you will too after watching this interview!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Time for Some Dr. Suess

Today I felt like it was the perfect day for a quote! And I thought the best person to quote from today is Dr. Suess! Before I share some wisdom, I'll give a bit of context! As a teenager, sometimes I think it can feel like we are all on this path that's just one-way; to get through high school. I think we often get caught up in high school- the drama, grades, driving, and getting ready for college. Maybe some of us might feel like to accomplish anything we have to wait to graduate college. Or maybe we just don't see what else is out there beyond high school. From this quote I hope you will take away that you are in control of your life, even if your just in high school. We can do anything we aspire to do-now! I hate when people say,"Well your just a teenager." Yes we are teens, but it doesn't mean our age should stop us from carving out our own path! If anything, we should let our young, creative brains run wild and use our imagine to develop something our world needs! What I am trying to say is don't let high school rule you, start leaving footprints on this planet now!

"You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.
You're on your own.
And you know what you know.
You are the guy who'll decide where to go."
~Dr. Seuss

Sunday, September 18, 2011

What's the Difference? Conventional vs. Organic Farming

Recently I've become more fascinated with the food industry and especially the health effects of conventional farming vs. organic. Organic food is produced using ecological conscious practices without the use of synthetic chemicals, genetically engineered materials, sewage sludge or irradiation. Conventional farmers apply fertilizers to promote plant growth. Organic farmers, however, apply natural fertilizers such as manure or compost, to feed soil and plants! Conventional methods include spraying insecticides to reduce pests and diseases and using chemical herbicides to manage weeds. Runoff from these conventional farms washes into rivers, lakes, and streams thus contaminating our waterways and destroying many habitats. These pesticides are toxins to our health and link to respiratory problems, neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease, cancer and reproductive problems. Organic farmers use beneficial insects and birds, mating disruption, or traps to reduce pests and disease. They also rotate crops, till, hand weed, or mulch to manage weeds. Conventional farms give animals antibiotics growth hormones and medications to prevent disease and spur growth then we put this into our bodies...I think it's gross! Conventional farms usually do not let the animals outside, instead they are enclosed in a space too small to fit all of them. Organic farms give animals organic feed and allow them access to the outdoors. They use preventative measures such as rotational grazing, a balanced diet, and clean housing to help minimize disease. Next time you are at the grocery store, take time to think about the food you want to put in your body and it's effect on the environment!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Those OVERWHELMING Back To School Feelings...

Oh going back to school-it's exciting and can be very stressful! It's really hard to go from waking up whenever you feel like it, to having to get in the school door before the first bell! Not to mention getting use to taking tests and having homework, again, while balancing a social life, or applying to college, or taking drivers education, or maybe working after school? So how can we balance our lives without losing our mind? I know after I get home from work and school, I just want to do my homework and go to sleep. I go to bed early and I make time for my workouts by getting up an hour early to exercise and shower. I then make sure to pack enough food to keep me energized throughout the day. What's in my lunchbox? I bring a 'Siggi's' yogurt, salad loaded with tomatoes, avocado and peppers, a baked chicken breast, and for when I work after school I pack an apple with peanut butter. I eat each item every few hours to keep my metabolism going! I have learned what my body needs to stay full and keep me energized. I start off my day with a protein shake, and if I still feeling hungry I have a serving size of 'Udi's' granola. Not only do I have to keep my body happy, but my mind. So when I am feeling stressed out and thinking about all the work I have to do, I re-evaluate what I have to do. I decide what can wait and what I need to complete. I remind myself that it is not the end of the world if I can't get everything done; instead I focus on one thing at a time. And for daily inspiration I check Roman Price's twitter (!/RomanPrice) for some awesome motivational and inspirational quotes! My current favorite quote by Roman that helps me maintain my sanity is, "Courage is being scared to death of what's around the corner, but looking anyway."You can be courageous and survive this school year-just make sure you balance all aspects of your life!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Food Inc.

Personally, I have a big interest in the food industry especially when companies develop abundant and inexpensive sources of food including factory farming and genetic engineering. I am the only student in my AP BioChemistry class, therefore I have been lucky enough to choose this as a focal point. So to start off my class this year, my teacher and I watched Food Inc. This incredible movie exposes America's industrialized and it's effect on our environment, health, and worker's rights. Focusing on finding organic and local food, diabetes, obesity, factory farming, pesticides, environmental impact, cloning, and food borne illness. There are a couple of things that stood out and really made an impact on me (so far I am only half way through it). Such as some of our most important foods have been fundamentally altered, and genetically engineered meat and produce have unfortunately invaded our homes. And in January 2008, the FDA approved the sale of meat and milk cloned! Factory Farming is another super gross part of the food industry. Almost 10 billion animals are raised and killed in the US annually. Nearly all of them are raised  on factory farms under disgusting conditions! I would share more, but I don't want to give it all away! Go watch Food Inc. or visit their website: I AM STARVING FOR A CHANGE, SO GO GET HUNGRY FOR A CHANGE WITH ME:)

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Nine Qualities of Well Being

I sorry I have not posted in a bit-I am honestly exhausted emotionally and physically from the transition back into school! Yesterday at school, I was handed a packet on Original Play, Empowerment, and Mindfulness! In the packet was the Nine Qualities of Well Being and I thought I would share this with you all!
1. Body Regulation
2. Insight: sense of selves, awareness of self
3. Attuned communication with others. Sense of "feeling felt" by another
4. Empathy: (builds on #2 and 3) see from the stance of another's mind
5. Emotional regulation/balance
6. Fear modulation: ability to calm and soothe
7. Response flexibility: pause before we act
8. Intuition: wisdom of the body, heart feeling, and gut feeling
9. Morality: considering larger picture, thinking and acting for the larger group

Monday, September 5, 2011

Something to Keep in Mind...

I start my first day of junior year in just a couple of days and for this school year I wanted to go in with a quote. Something to keep in mind, throughout the year that will help ground me. Right now my biggest personal struggle is always wanting to be at the finish line before I have even started the race. For me, I need to practice not rushing to the end, and instead, enjoying the journey. I am starting a business as a teenager and it's so hard for me to just be present and enjoy each little step to getting it off the ground. If I could, I want my business to be up and running and successful tomorrow, but that's not realistic nor would I get to experience the hard work that it takes to put it together. So to help remind me that I am always moving forward, even when I might not feel like it, I chose the following quote:

"I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday."  ~Author Unknown