Thursday, April 12, 2012

Motivation To Help Stay Healthy

Working Out. Being Active. Staying Fit.

I think deep down all of us want to be healthy. We want to look our best; feel our best. But we have to initiate the want. We have to motivate ourselves to stay healthy; to choose the veggies over the potato chips; to go for a run, instead of sitting on the couch and watching television. But how? What is it that is going to keep you from choosing the "easy road"; the one we have been habitually traveling down? For me, I pick a specific event that I want to look and feel my best for. That's what motivates me. When I am working out, I like to picture my workout goals. If I want to focus on the abs, when I am doing my ab routine, I'll envision the abs I want. Same goes for any other part of my body that I am looking to tone. Don't focus on the negative, instead focus on the positive. Focus on your goals. The more energy you put into achieving your goals, the more likely you are to reach them. It's that simple.

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