Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The BEST place to fuel your body!

As a teenager, I know how hard it can be to find health food that actually tastes good. Sometimes it tastes like dirt or the place looks sketchy. There are many ways health food can turn you off. However, there are health food stores/restaurants that are amazing and will totally change your thoughts about eating healthy. During my trip to Hawaii, I was able to find the most delicious health food at BASIK ACAI. When you take a bite of the BASIK’s bowls or have a sip of one of their smoothies, you feel like you can do anything.
            BASIK unearths a new and nutritious style of eatery. They offer a variety of healthy ‘real foods’ including power packed acai bowls, fresh fruit smoothies, and many other raw, local, and organic products. So why is it important to eat real food? ‘Real food’ gives you more energy, a clearer mind, and overall a healthier lifestyle. The highly processed food teenagers often eat is packed with preservatives, that don’t support a healthy lifestyle. BASIK has none of the artificial junk found in most of America’s foods, instead they have a variety of remarkable ingredients, such as cashews, almonds, hemp seed, fresh berries, seasonal fruits and acai. What is acai? Acai fruit is a palm berry found in the Amazon rainforest and is loaded with 16 different antioxidant compounds, essential amino acids, omega fats, and fiber. So what inspired the owners to start BASIK? Eating acai in Hawaii and California throughout college inspired them to bring the concept of the bowl to the Big Island of Hawaii. Honestly there is no better meal before a long exam or a long surf session.
            I find myself often searching for food that I can feel good about putting in my body. Anything you eat at BASIK will make you feel like you are on top of the world. Food has the ability to change your mood, health, and lifestyle. And when you eat at BASIK that is the exact affect their food will have on you!
Check out their website: http://www.basikacai.com/ or http://www.facebook.com/pages/Basik-Acai/105431692826588


  1. The best part is it actually taste delicious!

  2. wow! i've been looking for a diet that not only tastes good and looks good, but is good for me too! these hawaiian dishes and acai fruit look REALLY good...do you know if they're planning on openning a BASIK near new england?

  3. This is wonderful, Tessa! The whole site is fabulous, and Lina and Aaron and Artie and I will let others know about it. Hawaii was obviously a wonderful and INSPIRING experience! Those photos look so yummy, and "really healthy food" can be delicious, I agree! I'm with the other person who wrote before me - do you think they might open a BASIK in NYC? It took a very, very long time for them to get Trader Joe in NYC (and now they opened a second one!) so there is always hope for something wonderful like a BASIK type of place to open in NYC. There are a few amazing vegetarian places in the city, the dishes are beautifully composed and it can be sheer artistry along with great, healthy food. I love when vegetarian food is served in a beautiful way - it makes me think that it is getting the respect it truly deserves! Well, I get the feeling that we will have to talk about this more - and find ways to create these kinds of dishes when we get together!!!! Now you've got my wheels turning........ thank you for sharing all this with us!
    Much foodie love,
    Aunt Ellen
