Monday, January 24, 2011

Tough Situations of the Teenage Years

Peer Pressure. The phrase "everyone's doing it" is probably the most common phrase among teenagers. This is one of the unfortunate and not so fun parts of being a teenager. Feeling pressure from your friends to do something you don't want, is a really awful feeling. You don't want to do the activity and you don't want to be kicked out of your social group. So what's the best way to deal with peer pressure? First listen to your gut feeling. If your being pressured to drink or smoke or any other situation, and you don't want to participate, get out the situation and just keep telling yourself that your cool for going against all the stupid things teenagers do. So how do you get out of a situation? You can blame your parents. Tell them your parents will put you up for adoption if you touched drugs or alcohol (it might sound far fetched, but come up with something that will get them to shut up) or you can tell them your mom sends out spies to look after you. This might sound lame, but it's always good to come up with a code word that your parents or close relatives know, so that if you text them that word, they will know to come get you. But the overall best way to avoid these situations is to hang out with people that have the same feeling towards drugs and alcohol that you do. That way your not surrounded by people who will try to influence you in a negative way. It's up to you to chose which path you want to go down!

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