Saturday, December 31, 2011

My Affirmations for 2012

I can't believe the year is practically over! 2011 has been a year of growth for me. I've had to overcome social struggles, rise to challenges, and keep believing in myself. I am ready and energized for 2012, but I thought the best way to go into the new year is to write some affirmations. Last year I did an entire post dedicated to affirmations, so I thought I would revisit that and write some for the new year.

What are affirmations?
Affirmations are positive thoughts or declarations of things you wish to achieve.

How does writing an affirmation help?
Positive affirmations have the ability to "re-wire" your brain and give you a feeling of happiness or optimism. These emotions can help face any challenge throughout the day.

This sounds stupid and ridiculous, why I am I doing this?
These are the exact words that went through my head when I first started writing affirmations. I felt embarrassed that I was writing affirmations. I thought these are only for people that are depressed. I was totally wrong. Little did I know how optimistic and lighthearted I would feel after I wrote my affirmation.

How do I write an affirmation?
First ask yourself, "Where am I now?" Write the answer down!
Then ask yourself, "Where do I want to be?" Write the answer down!
The next question is "What do I need to change to get there?"or "What is stopping me from getting to where I want to be?"
The final question is "What's my next step?"
Then write your affirmation.

Some tips to help you write an affirmation...
-The best way to write an affirmation is in the present tense, so use, "I am..." rather than "I will be..."
-Write your affirmation in the positive state!

My affirmations for 2012:
I am able to handle any tough situation I might face with a smile and confidence. 
In times when things are unknown, I remember everything happens for a reason and I will be okay no matter what! 
I am ready to enjoy every moment of my life.

Wishing everyone a HEALTHY and HAPPY New Year! Much love, Tessa 

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