Wednesday, August 1, 2012


This is very bittersweet post for me-it's my last on TeenSanity:(

However, this is NOT my last post on healthy teen living. I have expanded and grown into my own personal website/blog, On this site I will focus on my ASSET model and how teenagers can be them best selves. I will also share more fitness tips, yummy recipes, and healthy mindset posts on my new site. 

Goodbye TeenSanity, Hello! Come be an ASSET:)

Friday, July 13, 2012

Important Reminder!

"It's never too late to be whoever you want to be. There's no time limit - start whenever you want. You can change or stay the same there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it, I hope you make the best of it. I hope you see things that stop you, I hope you feel things you've never felt before, I hope you meet people with a different point of view, I hope you live a life you're proud of - and if you find that you're not I hope you have the strength to start all over again." 
~The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

I absolutely love this quote! I think often in life we forget that this is OUR life, not our parents or friends, OURS! Being a teenager, I think our lives get greatly influenced by outside sources and then we forget what we want or what makes us happy. Sometimes we need a little reminder to get us back on OUR path, OUR journey. I think we can often feel that we have no power over our life, but YOU do. YOU have a choice to live the life YOU want to live or to just go along the path with no intention or goals. It's up to YOU! Ask YOURSELF: Where do I see MYSELF in twenty years? If YOUR life was book, how would YOU want the story to go? Don't be afraid to answers these questions (and it's normal if you are). It may seem scary, but remember life wouldn't be exciting without a little fear and anxiety. This post and quote is reminder to take control of your life:)

Monday, July 9, 2012

Guiltless Ice Cream

Yes guiltless ice cream does exist! To all those who think they cannot enjoy a cool summer treat, you are wrong. And the best part is you only need one ingredient: frozen bananas! All you have to do is slice the bananas into coins, then freeze them until they are solid. Once completely frozen, throw the bananas  into a food processor or blender and blend until they have the consistency of frozen yogurt. If you want more of a frozen yogurt style treat then you can eat it right out of the blender, if not freeze your blended bananas till they are solid and ice cream-like! I've only had plain banana frozen yogurt and it was delicious! Next time I plan on spicing it up a bit with peanut butter and dark chocolate or carob chips. Get creative and see what healthy ice cream you can come up with!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

'I Am' VS. 'I Feel'

For those of you who do not know, I recently went on an online radio station, FTNS, to talk about child and teen diabetes and obesity. During the show, I focused on self-image. How we perceive ourselves is a huge mental struggle not only during the teenager years, but throughout our life. This is why understanding the difference between 'I am' and 'I feel' is so important. When we say 'I am "fat"', we are saying a statement that is very self-limiting and attaching ourselves to a personal belief. However when you say 'I feel "fat"', it's no longer self-limiting. When you say 'I feel "fat"', you are able to understand and accept the feeling. With understanding, comes transformation. If you keep telling yourself, "you are fat", are really going to feel motivated to exercise and eat right? No. You are simply putting yourself down. But if you change the 'am' to 'feel', you can say "I feel fat, but that's not who I am." You can turn it into an affirmation, which is part of the transformation, "When I feel "fat", I understand that's not who I am and that I can make a choice to improve my health and eliminate that feeling." Understanding the difference between 'am' and 'feel' has changed my perception of myself and given me a much stronger mindset.

*I used the term "fat" because it was the focus of the radio show I was on. You can replace "fat" with any word you think you are or are feeling.

Monday, June 25, 2012

The 'Diabesity' Solution Show

Tomorrow at 4pm EST I will be on the 'Diabesity' Solution show on Listen and hear about my personal story to health, how teenagers can change their lives around, and my new educational model, 'ASSET.' There will be an online chat, so you can ask me any questions you have! If you cannot listen in, I will post a podcast of the show later on!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hello Carob!

Recently I had a huge sweet craving, which I will sometimes have, but I have to remind myself not to binge. So I was at a health food store, Foodworks in Monroe, CT, and I found these carob, cashew, coconut bars-oh was I in heaven. These bars are a must try for anyone who loves carob or just is craving something sweet, but want a healthy choice (I am enjoying one as I write). I knew carob was a great alternative to chocolate, but I didn't realize all the benefits of this sweet treat! Here is what I found:

-Unlike chocolate, carob is naturally sweet, so you do not have to add lots of sweeteners to make it taste yummy
-It's an alkaline food
-Has three times as much calcium as chocolate
-Lower in fat than chocolate (contains about 1% of fat compared to 24% fat in cocoa)
-Aids digestion
-Carob is thought to help prevent lung cancer
-Contains gallic acid, which has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties that will help keep you healthy
-Doesn't contain any harmful stimulants including caffeine, theobromine, or theophylline 
-Helps stabilize your blood sugar levels
-Contains Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin D, Calcium, Potassium, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Selenium, Fiber, Antioxidants, Protein
-Not addictive

If your craving a sweet treat, look no further than carob-it's a guilt free sweet (of course in moderation)! 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Avocado Kale Salad

This is my official summer salad obsession. I tried this at Whole Foods and then recreated it myself. I'll often visit health food stores for inspiration. If you're looking for something new, you can check out the prepared foods at a health food store for some ideas. I personally like to get inspired then recreate it at home because cooking is very therapeutic for me. I do not have the exact ratio of ingredients, but here are the components to the kale and avocado salad:

-Diced tomatoes

I will mash the avocado, tomatoes, onion, and cilantro together-practically creating a guacamole, add a dash of salt (I prefer himalayan salt), then I'll mix in a bunch of kale. This is the perfect salad if your looking for something different and tasty. I am obsessed!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

How To Cope With Emotions

This is one of my biggest personal struggles: emotional dis-regulation. I think it's very easy to be overwhelmed with our emotions. We are constantly taking in a ton of stimulation and it's really important to be aware of how it affects us and how we feel. Currently I feel as if I have a billion emotions because school just ended on a very positive note and now summer is starting. I don't know whether I am coming or going. I can control all the physical aspects; my diet, workout, and environment, but what it really comes down to it- I need to take care of the mental aspect. So how do we face our emotions? Maybe we often put ourselves in negative situations to avoid them and just make it worse. As scary as it may seem, it's important to face them. Recognize what is bothering you and make a change. Seems simple, right? I wrote my wonderful mindfulness teacher, Miss Casey, and she sent me the awesomest email. The one lesson or tool that stood out the most was to talk to the little "voice" or "person" that is causing my strong emotions. Talk directly to each emotion as if you were talking to a person and listen to their wisdom. You could ask "Why are you here?", "What do you have to teach me?", or "How can I best handle you?". Don't be close-minded, as easy as it can to be,  instead listen to what the answers are. As Miss Casey told me, "If you do, you may learn some very important things about their function in your life." Ahhh....did I feel better just after reading that! In addition to talking to those emotions, I wrote down everything I was feeling and why. Then I turned each emotion around with an affirmation. One thing that has been bothering me and causing me to feel anxious is the lack of structure during the summer. So I wrote "I understand and accept that I feel anxious, but I know I can handle the lack of structure and make the best use out of my time." Before saying this I felt too dis-regulated to even write a blog post, but after I accepted and understood my emotion, I felt regulated enough to get work done. The lesson here is to listen to and accept your emotions.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Healthy Summer Bucketlist 2012

The summer of 2012 is beginning-crazy, right!?! Last year I compiled a list of summer bucketlist ideas; this year I have done the same thanks to the help of some friends, Kayla and Kate. This year I really wanted to focus on health. Often people think of health of only the body, but there is a mind piece, too. So this year's bucketlist is good for your body, mind, and heart.

TeenSanity's Summer Bucketlist of 2012
-Cook an entire home-cooked, healthy meal with friends ("'Cause it's always fun to burn things with other people"~Kayla)
-Run a marathon, biathlon, or triathlon
-Wear a 'Free Hugs' t-shirt for an entire day (in public)
-Write yourself in ten years a letter, store it in a safe place, then open it ten years later
-Go rock climbing (with real rocks, outdoors)
-Eat an entire meal mindfully
-Plant a vegetable garden
-Attend a hot yoga class
-Have a smoothie stand (just took the lemonade stand to a whole new level)
-For an entire day compliment everyone you meet
-Do 50 or more crunches everyday (no excuses!!)
-Have a yoga session on the beach (Love this one)
-Tell your family "I love you" every single day
-Face your biggest fear
-Post an inspiration on every single day of the summer (you'll be surprised at how your outlook on life will become much brighter)
-Sleep under the stars
-Run (or dance!) in the rain
-Try a new workout, something you've never done before (Bootcamp training, Pilates, Barre method)
-Plant a tree
-Set a goal to of being able to do sixty pushups in a row by the end of the summer (or set a number of fitness goals)
-Have an entire meal consist of only raw food (let me emphasis, not raw meat!!!)
-Go to a public place (sidewalk) and write everything that makes you happy in chalk

Enjoy your summer:)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Surviving Finals

Yes it is possible to survive finals-I am alive to talk about it. As overwhelming as finals are, keep in mind they are not the end of the world. There are coping skills that help alleviate some of the stress of finals. I highly recommend taking time to workout; even if it's a lap or two around your street, moving your body is important. It will help you to focus better and absorb more information. Trust me. During finals, I will make sure to do harder workouts because I need to burn off the stress. My other suggestion is taking the time to mediate. If you can't even get yourself to do that, take three deep breaths. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. It helps for me to pay attention to the inhale through my nose and exhale through my mouth. If you're interested in a guided mediation, check out the website Headspace. The site offers ten minute meditations and I believe you can sign up for a ten-day free trial. Sometimes in my mindfulness class will practice a Headspace meditation. I find mindfulness/meditation helps me to re-blance myself, especially when stress feels out of control. You will survive finals-I promise!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Fluoride: What You Didn't Know

I apologize deeply for not posting in over a week. I was really sick which I have not been in years. Clearly my immune system had been run down from traveling. But now I am back and ready to share my health knowledge with you! Today I had a conversation with Roman Price, founder of, and we got onto the topic of Fluoride. I wasn't aware of all the negative effects of Fluoride. I had always seen toothpaste with Fluoride and assumed it was okay for our health. Lesson learned: do not assume any chemical/ingredient is okay, do your own research. Fluoride can be found in our drinking water. From what I have come to understand, the United States government supported fluoridated public water because of the claim that fluoride helps support tooth decay (when actually there is no need to swallow fluoride to protect our teeth). Water fluoridation is used in the United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, and Australia (and a few other countries). Here is some evidence on how Fluoride is harmful to our health:

1. Fluoride may damage the brain. The National Research Council stated, "it is apparent that fluorides have the ability to interfere with the functions of the brain."
2. Fluoride may lower intelligence. China, Iran, India, and Mexico conducted 24 studies in which the results showed that there was an association between exposure to fluoride and reduced IQ.
3. Negative effects on the pineal gland. Fluoride's affect on the gland may interfere with the hormone melatonin, which regulates our sleep cycle.
4. Sodium Fluoride is the prominent ingredient in rat poison. Why a main ingredient in rat poison is in our water is beyond me!

How can you avoid fluoride in your water? Drink spring water. Most spring water has less than .1ppm fluoride, which is ten times less than added for fluoridation. Or purchase a water filter for your tap water. Make sure the type of filter is a reverse osmosis or activated alumina. Roman has noticed since cutting fluoride out of his diet his energy levels have skyrocketed!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Flexibility with Food

In the past four weeks I have spent a total of 42 hours on many planes. To say the least I feel exhausted. This past week I was in Warsaw, Poland at an Original Play Cultural Exchange. This particular experience challenged me in many ways-emotionally, physically, and mentally. But facing those challenges allowed for me to grow even more. The biggest growing experience for me was probably being forced to be flexible with my food. At home I am strict with myself; eating every few hours and planning each balanced meal. This trip I was forced to let go. I was thrown into circumstances where all I could do is make the best possible decision out of options I was faced with. I had to learn that not everywhere I go, I will find the healthiest food. This past week I didn't nearly eat half as many fruits and vegetables I normally eat. My mind struggled to let go with this fact. I wanted to obsess over the situation of my food. But obsessing or being too caught up in my eating habits would have been just as detrimental to my mental health. I had to teach myself the art of making the best out of the situation. Throughout the trip, I was frustrated that I couldn't find dark leafy green salads or even broccoli. But then I forced myself to realize that I needed to stay in the present moment and is this the end of the world? No was the answer. I realized I had been choosing to focus on the negative aspects of the situation instead of the positive. The learning experience out of this trip was to make the most out of each situation and that though I may not always be able to find the 'perfect' meal, it's okay. I learned to be flexible and that was a very valuable experience for me!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

ASSET-My Dream for Students

Press 'Play' to see my mission of helping students reach their peak performance academically, physically, and emotionally.

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." ~Eleanor Roosevelt

Any help with resources, funding, or some words of encouragement would mean the world to me. Please contact me at

Monday, April 30, 2012

The Mind IS Everything

"If you get the mind right, the body simply follows." ~Roman Price

I've heard Roman say this quote and I've always understood it, but today I truly experienced what he has been talking about. Today I went to school, then I worked the after-school program and after that I felt exhausted, but knew I needed to move my body. So I forced the negative thoughts out of my head and got my workout clothes on. But during my workout my thoughts were out of control. I was thinking of my homework, school, friends, and then writing a post about the mind out of control (ironic I know). My mind wasn't in the workout and it showed. I could not push myself as hard, my form wasn't as good, and I had much more of a desire to take breaks. I found myself stopping in the middle of my workout to think about what I am going to do next, instead of staying in the present moment and giving my body the workout it needed. After today's experience, I wrote an affirmation that applies to my mind during my workouts (and life in general). Here it is:

"When I find myself thinking about the future or past, I remind myself to focus my mind and energy on the present moment."

Thursday, April 26, 2012

What to Eat When Traveling?

I apologize for not posting in so long! I went to Hawaii for a week and then when I returned home I had an extremely hard time adjusting to the time change. Finally, five days later, I seem to be back to my normal self. The fifteen hours of traveling each way inspired me to write this post.

Lesson One: Do NOT expect the airport or airplane to have tons of options or even any options. I flew into LAX (Continental terminal) with high expectations. For some reason in my head, I thought LAX would have a bunch of healthy food choices; smoothies, semi-decent salads. I was wrong. Thank goodness I made an amazing trail mix that I was able to snack on:)

Lesson Two: Plan ahead. As dorky as this may sound, it was really important. On the way home, I knew I would land in LA right at breakfast time. So before we left I went to a natural food market in Hawaii. I bought raw protein powder and a raw cacao gogi bar for my breakfast. Because I knew in the morning I was going to need protein and some superfood power to get me through the second six hour flight:)

Lesson Three: Stay hydrated. Drinking lots of water really helped me through my travels. Even though I hated having to pee so much due to my increase in consumption of water, I knew I felt a lot better because I was hydrated.

What do I suggest to bring for food?
~Individual Packets of Protein Powder (you can buy a water bottle after you get through security and you are good to go)
~Individual Packets of Peanut Butter or Almond Butter (bring an apple or maybe a whole grain cracker to combo it with)
~Fruit (apple, banana etc.)
~Make Your Own Trail Mix-fill your trail mix with what you desire! For me, I was craving raw cashews, almonds, sunflower seeds, raisins, and a bit of dark chocolate:)
~Greens Protein Bars
~Vigilant Eats (a gluten free, organic, oat based, cereal)

If you are in airport and you forget to bring food, Starbucks can be found practically everywhere and you can find a balanced choice there. I suggest the protein platter if you find yourself in that situation.

Hope these suggestions help with your travels:)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Motivation To Help Stay Healthy

Working Out. Being Active. Staying Fit.

I think deep down all of us want to be healthy. We want to look our best; feel our best. But we have to initiate the want. We have to motivate ourselves to stay healthy; to choose the veggies over the potato chips; to go for a run, instead of sitting on the couch and watching television. But how? What is it that is going to keep you from choosing the "easy road"; the one we have been habitually traveling down? For me, I pick a specific event that I want to look and feel my best for. That's what motivates me. When I am working out, I like to picture my workout goals. If I want to focus on the abs, when I am doing my ab routine, I'll envision the abs I want. Same goes for any other part of my body that I am looking to tone. Don't focus on the negative, instead focus on the positive. Focus on your goals. The more energy you put into achieving your goals, the more likely you are to reach them. It's that simple.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Stressed? Overwhelmed?

Sometimes I forgot blogging should also reflect on personal experiences. So I am here to reflect on my current state of feeling overwhelmed. Yes, I too get overwhelmed. But if I think about it I am choosing to feel stressed and go into the state of "Oh my goodness, there's too much work!" I think it's easier for us to feel stressed, then it is to take a step back and look at the situation. When I step back and look, I am better able to assess what I need to do-I then can decided what's important and what can wait. Sometimes I'll even write down everything I feel like I need to do, then I'll look back and see everything I wrote down and realize that I a lot of what I felt like I needed to accomplish, in reality, wasn't an immediate concern. I feel in our heads we tend to make things a lot bigger and of more importance, but in reality it isn't life or death, yet we make ourselves believe it is. For example, during my driving test, I was able to step back and recognize that if I failed (which I didn't) no one was going to die, I was still going to be okay, I would still have a home to come home to, and my family would still love me. Once I was able to recognize that, then I didn't feel so stressed. The test didn't seem so monumental. I think as teens we can get caught up in things that seem monumental to us, but in reality are very small compared to what's going on in the world. Here's what I suggest when you feel overwhelmed: Write It Down. Look Back. Recognize What's Important and What Can Wait. But do this honestly! You have to be honest with yourself. You do yourself no good lying and saying everything's important and you have to do everything right now. Everything will get done, and probably you'll do everything at a much higher quality when you're not stressed and attacking the situation from a practical and calm mindset.

Monday, April 2, 2012

How to Survive Your Road Test

Yes I somehow managed to survive and PASS my road test (may I add, by some miracle, as I was extremely nervous). I feel as if I have accomplished a major teenage milestone. Wow is it a great feeling (and a relief)! I do have some tips to stay sane before and during the test that helped me. One practice beforehand, but not right before. This is a personal suggestion as I am one who like to practices as much as possible the day before and then the day off just try to stay calm and focused, but if you are one who like to practice or study for a test the day of-go ahead. I, personally, knew I was comfortable and ready. I didn't want to practice the day of because I thought it might add to my stress (especially if I messed up). Two, stay in the present moment. I am one who will over think everything, but it helped me to stay calm by reminding myself to be present. I noticed I was making myself nervous over the test by trying to guess what would happen. So I turned it around by being aware of my thoughts and how they were affecting my nerves. This helped me to separate my nerves from my reality, so in the moment of the test I was able to be present and not let my nervous thoughts control my test. Last but not least, take care of your body beforehand-eat well and be well rested. Make sure your body has the best possible fuel to perform at it's peak performance. I know it seems silly that what you eat can affect your road test, but you want to be your best possible self and functioning at your full potential, so help your body out and eat well and sleep the night before (as hard as it might be). Some eggs with turkey bacon and fresh fruit or a protein smoothie are two great options to eat beforehand. One thing I suggest you don't do is leave the car running and run out when the DMV person tells you "you passed"-I did that and I really don't recommend it, but hey! I still got my license!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What's for Breakfast?

I know many teenagers skip breakfast usually because they'd rather sleep than eat. I personally would rather go to bed at a decent hour and wake up earlier to prepare my breakfast. I am now preparing my food (yes I get possessive of my food...haha) the night before so when I wake up it's super fast and I can have a wholesome breakfast. So are you ready for my newest obsession? BREAKFAST BURRITOS...amazing. That's all I have to say about how yummy they are. I honestly use to be afraid to eat eggs because of the texture, but anymore! This burrito is super easy to make- I just chop an organic tomato and make guacamole or chop half an avocado and keep it with the pit, the night before. Then in morning I scramble two eggs with my already chopped tomato. Once the eggs are cooked, I add half of an avocado or guacamole or even salsa and put it into a sprouted grain tortilla. It takes me about ten minutes and you can eat it on the go! My favorite quality of this breakfast is that eggs contain nine essential amino acids that makes it easy for our bodies to absorb the protein. I have college level toxicology first thing every morning and honestly this breakfast gives me the focus and energy to sit through a 90 minute lecture!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Raw Cashew Obsessed

These past couple of weeks I've been raw cashew obsessed. Yes I have a food obsession problem, but at least they are healthy foods! Once I discover a new food, I do tend to go a little crazy over them. But really, raw cashews have blown my mind with taste and benefits. Your probably thinking, "But that's high in fat! Why would I eat something fatty?" Well the fat content of nuts, including raw cashews, helps to satisfy your hunger and keeps you feeling full longer. The SUN study found that those who consumed nuts on a regular basis were actually at a reduced risk for weight gain. Let me clarify, that I am not encouraging you to eat your weight in cashews or an excess amount. 1/4 of cup of raw cashews and a piece of fruit is a great snack; that is enough to keep you satisfied. According to the author of Fire Your Doctor! How to be Independently Healthy, Andrew Saul, cashews are great for boosting your mood and helping to stabilize your thoughts because of it's high content of the amino acid tryptophan. Tryptophan produces the feeling of mellowness and is known as the "natural and healthy" Prozac. Just a large handful of cashews contains two thousand milligrams of tryptophan! The best part is they taste delicious too. I prefer raw cashews over roasted because I feel they are more flavorful and healthier. These are just a few reasons why I am obsessed with these cashews.

P.S. Did you ever notice cashews look like a smile? It's ironic that they have the power to make a person happier thus make one smile:)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Roman Price on Attaining Goals

"Nothing positive can come out of thinking negative." ~Roman Price

Learn founder, Roman Price's method for attaining goals:

Monday, March 12, 2012

Importance of Protein

Protein. Everyone says we need it, but why? Protein is a macronutrient. Macronutrients are nutrients that provide energy. Protein is needed for growth, tissue repair, immune function, making essential hormones and enzymes, energy when carbohydrates are not available, and preserving lean muscle mass. This macronutrient can be found in meat, poultry, fish, eggs, cheese, milk, nuts, and smaller quantities in vegetables and whole grains. Our body breaks down protein into amino acids. Protein is necessary for every tissue, cell, and organ to function properly. Essential or complete proteins come from animals and contain all essential amino acids. Non essential or incomplete protein are low in essential amino acids and do not come from animals. According to the USDA, 10%-35% of calories should come from protein. Simply put, protein is a vital part of healthy diet and essential to a healthy body!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

KONY 2012

For those of you have not yet seen this video, please take the time to do so. This movement is about speaking up for children who can't and raising our voices as young individuals to help bring them to a safe place. We can all make a difference in this world; please make a difference for these children. For more information go to

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Super Yummy Snack!

Yes this snack requires two adjectives-it was so delicious! I have to admit it is kinda fun to have to use whatever is in your kitchen to create something yummy and satisfying. Today I did just that. For my pre-workout snack I had plain low fat greek yogurt with bananas, almonds, and cinnamon. I am starting to play with spices in my food and it has made a delicious difference. The banana with the cinnamon, truly an amazing combination! It made up for the not very flavorful plain yogurt. To top it off, the almonds added a nice little crunch. Packed with protein from the yogurt and almonds, and you get some fruit-it's a great snack, that was able to sustain me throughout my workout. It was simply super yummy!

TeenSanity's Newest Snack
-1/2 cup of plain greek yogurt
-Handful of almonds
-One banana (chopped into bit size pieces)
-Cinnamon (up to you how much you'd like, I added a couple of dashes)

Monday, February 27, 2012

Living Beyond Limits

"Borders are where the actual ends, but also where the imagination and stories begin."
~Amy Purdy, top ranked adaptive female snowboarder

I've learned Life is a choice: we can choose to idly watch it go by or we can choose to make the most of it. At age 19, Amy Purdy tragically lost both her legs, yet she made a choice to not let that stop her from achieving her goals and living her life. Now because of her choice to achieve her goals and her determination, she is the top ranked adaptive female snowboarder in the world. Amy's story reminded me that no matter what circumstance I may face in life, I can overcome it, if I keep my imagination wide open and stay determined. Borders aren't there to keep us out, but, I think, to see how high we can jump over them!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Have Overwhelming Thoughts?

There is so much going on during my junior year of high school-my brain is constantly overloaded with thoughts. However, I am learning about and applying mindfulness and the 'Mindsight' practice developed by Dr. Daniel Siegal. These practices have thought me to be aware of my thoughts. So how does that help me? When I have too many thoughts, and I am able to be aware of them, I can then identify which ones are crazy and unrealistic, and the ones that are there for a good reason. It's easy for my crazy, unrealistic thoughts to get the best of me, but because I've learned to be aware of them, they don't affect me in a negative way anymore. Instead of saying, "I am really stressed out and I can't get all my work done", I've learned to ask myself, "Why do I feel stressed? Well I feel stressed because I have a lot of work to do. But I know I can handle the amount of work." This slight change will tremendously helps me to feel more confident and at ease when I am faced with a lot of work. Taken from Dr. Siegal's website 'Mindsight' is: 
       "Mindsight" is a term coined by Dr. Dan Siegel to describe our human capacity to perceive the mind of the self and others. It is a powerful lens through which we can understand our inner lives with more clarity, integrate the brain, and enhance our relationships with others. Mindsight is a kind of focused attention that allows us to see the internal workings of our own minds. It helps us get ourselves off of the autopilot of ingrained behaviors and habitual responses. It lets us “name and tame” the emotions we are experiencing, rather than being overwhelmed by them.
On Dr. Daniel Siegal's website, there are podcasts that are worth listening to and much more information. I've listened to the 'Wheel of Awareness' podcast and it was amazing! The link to his website is

Monday, February 20, 2012

Help Label GMOs

A GMO (genetically modified organism)  is an organism that has been changed by injecting it with a gene from another species. Herbicide tolerant crops are engineered to survive the direct application of herbicides, chemicals that would normally kill or stunt the growth of the crop. Bt crops produce are genetically engineered to produce toxins that kill certain agriculture. What freaks me out is we eat these crops that are engineered to produce toxins-we don't know how that affects our body?! The funny thing is 30 other countries around the world have banned GMOs or set regulations because they are not proven safe-the U.S. is not one of them. According to California's Department of Agriculture, 70% of processed foods found in American supermarkets contain genetically modified ingredients. 86% of corn and 93% of soybeans grown in the U.S. are genetically engineered. Think about all the foods that are made out of those two simple products? Corn syrup, soy lecithin, sugar, vegetable oil, and cottonseed oil. The only way to be certain you are not eating genetically modified food is to buy organic because by law organic foods cannot be genetically engineered. You can tell the FDA to label genetically engineered foods at

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Healthy Pizza!

Healthy and pizza, in the same title? You bet! I love turning the classic 'unhealthy' dish and making it healthy and even more delicious. That's what I did with dinner for my family. Everything I bought everything from Trader Joe's, but you can find it practically anywhere! I didn't exactly measure the amount of each ingredient-I just threw it together!

-100% whole wheat pizza dough
-Pesto sauce
-Goat cheese
-Italian seasoning

Notice how colorful and delicious it looks:)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

What Do I Eat?

Often I get asked, "what do you eat?" I realized I've never shared what my daily food regimen is like. I tend to go through food phases. I get obsessed with a specific meal and that's all I want to eat for a few months, then I'll discover something new and the cycle repeats. I have to eat every few hours otherwise I get crabby, but sometimes I get so busy I forget (which is not good and do not follow in my footsteps)! I will do different combinations, so I repeat some things, but I don't eat anything twice a day except fruit and veggies! I will only eat nut or nut butter once a day, so if I eat it in the morning, then I don't consume it in the afternoon. I try to limit my fat intake because between hummus and nuts it can get loaded, though they are healthy fats, everything in moderation! I also don't eat big meals. I tend to get full quickly because I eat throughout the day consistently. Here's a look at some of the things I choose to eat during the day:

Breakfast (7:30 am)
Acai Bowl
Protein Shake
Whole-grain cereal with almond milk and fruit
Almond butter and a banana

Snack (10:45am)
Spirulina drink with a piece of fruit
Siggi's nonfat yogurt

Lunch (12:45-1ish)
Salad with a chicken breast, fruit
Hummus with gluten-free crackers, carrots, and fruit
Greek yogurt, gluten-free granola, and fresh fruit mixed together
Veggie burger (topped with guacamole), fruit
Soup (lentil or chicken and brown rice), carrots, fruit
Turkey and a slice of low fat swiss cheese wrapped together, veggies, fruit

Snack (4pm)
Brown rice cakes with almond butter and raisins
Superfood trail mix
Apple and almond butter
Carrots and hummus
Almonds and raisins
Celery and peanut butter
Almond milk mixed with protein powder
Kale chips

Dinner (7pm)
Chicken breast with salad or broccoli salad
Brown rice mixed with veggies
Whole wheat pizza made with goat cheese, veggies, and pesto sauce
Whole grain pasta primavera
Turkey meatballs with 100% whole wheat pasta and salad
Black bean, brown rice, low fat cheese burrito and a salad

Sweets! (whenever I crave them I will choose a little something)
Dark chocolate (70% or more)
Tate's gluten free cookies
Fruit drizzled with dark chocolate
Almond ice cream with bananas and cacao nibs

Water (I admit I am not the best water drinker, but I am getting better)
Coconut water
Almond milk
Fresh fruit juice
Green tea
Hot chocolate made with almond milk

This is a glimpse at what I eat!

Almond ice cream with cacao nibs and bananas

Kale chips

Spirulina Drink

Superfood trail mix

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Reasons to LOVE Dark Chocolate

Valentines Day might as well be called "Stuff Your Face With Chocolate Day"-try not to do that. But you can indulge in the holiday treat. In moderation (no more than three ounces per day), dark chocolate has some sweet benefits. Here are some reasons to make yourself feel better about indulging in this treat:

-Dark chocolate activates the production of endorphins, a chemical found in our brains that stimulates the feeling of pleasure.
-Serotonin is also found in dark chocolate, which acts like an anti-depressent.
-Flavonoids found in dark chocolate absorb UV light, help protect and increase blood flow to the skin, and improve skin's hydration and complexion. People who have blood with high levels of flavonoids have a lower risk of heart disease, lung cancer, prostate cancer, asthma, and type two diabetes.

Remember, no milk should be in your dark chocolate, as milk is known to counteract the positive effects of the antioxidants. Also keep in mind, the larger percent of cocoa the better the dark chocolate is for you. 70% and above is best! Enjoy your dark chocolate:)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Locally Grown Food

Today our food travels thousands of miles from the farm to our plate. But we can choose to support local farms thus helping our local economy. Sustainable, local farming is very beneficial to our environment by enriching the soil, protecting air and water quality, and minimizing energy consumption. The industrial food industry is making a big and negative impact on our environment. Industrial food production depends primarily on fossil fuels. When these fossil fuels are refined and burned, they create greenhouse gases that are a large contributor to climate change. What's even scarier is that forty percent of the energy needed for the food production goes towards the production of chemical fertilizers and pesticides! And these pesticides and fertilizers aren't even good for our body; they are harmful! Studies show that sustainable agricultural practices can increase food production by up to 79% and at the same time  reduce the effects of farming on climate change. To find local family farms, farmers' markets, grocery stores, Community Supported Agricultural programs and much more, check out

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

And Another Quote...

Lifepulp is simply infectious. Inspiration is contagious. I find myself often in search of a quote or inspirational picture. Yesterday I posted a cute (maybe a bit corny) quote on Lifepulp, but I felt it was something that needed to be shared on TeenSanity. Because simplicity and corny-ness, I just had to post it! So here it is:

"The best known vitamin to be a happy person is B1."
~Author Unknown

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Setting Goals In Your Workout

Today I set a goal of mine: 300 burpees in less than an hour. Guess what? I accomplished my goal! I completed 300 burpees in 47 minutes. I felt like I died afterwards and had to lay on the floor for a good five minutes before I was able to get up. It was the most amazing feeling when I was completing my final burpee. I can't explain the feeling of completing a goal in a workout. Two years ago, I could not do a push up if my life depended on it. I was constantly making excuses to stop my workout midway. I would constantly fix my ponytail and get a "water break." Every time I felt weak or unable to accomplish my workout, I gave into it. If I couldn't do something, my mind would go "You are physically out of shape.Why are you even trying?" For the longest time, I let my mind get the best of me. I felt like because I couldn't do a push up was the exact reason why I should stop trying. I think a lot of people face this when they try to work out. I finally got to a point, where I wanted it so badly. I wanted to be in incredible shape. I knew my mindset wasn't working. Just because I couldn't do something wasn't an excuse to stop trying. So I set goals and I accomplished them. I motivated myself by wanting to be strong physically and mentally. If you dedicate the time and put in the effort, you will improve in your workout. I can honestly say if I didn't push myself at times when I thought I couldn't do it, I wouldn't be where I am today. Start off small and build your way up. You can do it. I could never do a push up or a proper crunch when I started. Because of my effort and will to succeed I did 300 burpees today. I have footage of me trying to do a burpee from when I first started. I cringe when I watch it, it's that bad. My elbows barely make a 45 degree angle when I try to do a push up. I couldn't do the timing of jumping back into my squat from the push up. It looks extremely awkward. I could've let that get the best of me, but I didn't. I slowly built my way up. I first set a goal to do a proper push up. Then I increased the amount of push ups. Then I built my coordination. Slowly I put together all the aspects of a burpee and finally I got it! Then I was able to increase my amount and intensity. I set goals and went after them. It's that simple. Set goals and go after them. You will surprise yourself.

Friday, January 27, 2012

The Get Inspired Lecture

Learn How Four Inspirational People Succeed in Life & Business

Meet four inspirational speakers whose mission is to help others reach their goals. The two-hour event will be held at Westport’s new Center for Energy Healing, located at 180 Post Rd. East. It will be held between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 12. The parking lot and main entrance are in the rear of the building, off Imperial Ave. 

Each of the speakers will offer a different perspective on how they sustain their motivation in their lives and careers and how they use it in their work. Hosting the event will be Tessa Zimmerman, the founder of the Westport-based teen health blog TeenSanity.

Inspiration in Business and Life:

Canadian-based Roman Price, founder of, a website that motivates and inspire all over the world, will discuss how inspiration has contributed to his successes. He has been an entrepreneur since he was 17 years old. Find out how he built his businesses and why he wants to inspire people. Roman has the largest inspirational network in the world.
Sustainable Education = Inspiration

Suellen Inwood, Director, Individualized Program Coordinator, at the Easton Country Day School, a small, coed private school for grades Pre-K through 12, will discuss sustainable education and how to keep students inspired.  She is a founding parent and one of the school's administrators.  Her 25 years of teaching experience includes Pre-School at Cooperative Educational Services and numerous grades at Fairfield public schools.  She has apprenticed and worked with Dr. Fred Donaldson in Original Play for over 20 years.  

Joining Suellen will be Dr. Donaldson, who taught at the Universities of Washington and California State, Hayward and the California School of Professional Psychology. He is the developer of Original Play. He is also the author of the Pulitzer-Prize nominated book, Playing By Heart. He will be discussing the importance of original play in education and how original play inspires students to achieve their goals.
How to Overcome Obstacles and Stay Motivated:

Bryon Breeze, also known as “Soulja,” is the subject of a feature-length documentary, Half a Soulja, Born with a severe disability, he will discuss how he has overcome tremendous obstacles and has achieved some notable accomplishments, including being the first “double amputee” to win the New York City Triathlon. He will discuss how he motivates himself on a daily basis. He calls it “Motivation in Motion.”
The price of the lecture is $10. The Center’s numbers is (203) 557-9329 or for additional information please email Tessa Zimmerman

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Gogi Berry Goodness!

I am just a bit (maybe a lot) obsessed with gogi berries. After sharing my superfood trail mix, I realized I forgot to share the benefits of gogi berries. The ancient Chinese monks credit this berry for their greater health, vitality, longevity, stamina, and energy. Finally, Western science has realized the power of these incredible berries.  This berry is packed with 18 amino acids including 8 essential amino acids which makes up 10% of the superfood's composition. This antioxidant packed fruit is known for fighting free radicals thus supporting a healthy immune system. They contain 21 trace minerals, including geranium, an anti cancer trace mineral rarely found in foods. They have more protein than whole wheat. If you thought an orange had lots of vitamin C, well gogi berries have even more- 5 times more per ounce. Gogi berries are the richest source of carotenoids of all known foods. They contain essential fatty acids which are required for our body's production of hormones and for consistent functioning of our brain and nervous system. These aren't even all of the wonderful nutrients that make up gogi berries! Not only are these gogi berries packed with nutrients, but delicous. With their chewy texture and a flavor between a cranberry and dried cranberry, they are so yummy! I love to add them to my trail mix or top them on an acai bowl. Enjoy the gogi berry goodness!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Superfood Trail Mix Recipe

I love a great snack; especially one including superfoods! This trail mix is perfect for the on-the-go teen who needs a little something to snack on. Just grab a handful of this trail mix and you'll be good to go! Thank you to Patrick for sharing this with me:) Here's the recipe:

-One eight ounce bag of gogi berries
-3/4 of a cup of sunflower seeds
-1/2 cup of coconut flakes
-1/2 cup of cacao


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Wise Words

The best way to spend the day is to play through the day. On Wednesday, I got to play for three hours with Fred Donaldson, author of Playing By Heart. The first hour was a workshop with Fred. During this workshop, Fred said something really insightful. He said, "If you give someone your mind, you lose." These words were very powerful for me. I tend to let what someone says get the best of me. If someone says a test is going to be really hard, it makes me very nervous, but by getting that nervous over those words; I am giving that person my mind. I am letting what they say get the best of me. That's why I found these words really powerful because I recognized a bad habit of mine-giving someone my mind. Now that I've recognized this pattern of thinking, I can learn not to give away my mind so easily. Thanks Fred! 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Break Down of Vitamins and Minerals

I love it when I get suggestions for a post. So big 'THANK YOU' to Kayla for the suggestion and making sure I actually complete this post. Everyone always says, "You need more vitamin A or potassium or omega 3's." But no one ever tells us why we need those vitamins! So that's what I am here to do-to give you the break down on vitamins. Let's start by clarifying what a vitamin is: "any group of organic compounds that are essential for normal growth and nutrition and are required in small quantities in the diet because they cannot be synthesized by the body." Below are just a few of many essential vitamins:

Calcium-Aids in the metabolic functions necessary for normal activity of the nervous, skeletal, muscular systems and plays a significant role in normal heart function, kidney function, blood-clotting, and blood vessel integrity. In our body, calcium promotes normal growth and development; builds bones and teeth; and maintains bone density and strength. 

Iron- Is an essential part of our blood. In our body, iron transports oxygen and contributes to the storage of oxygen; forms part of several proteins and enzymes in the body; maintains a healthy immune system; assists in the production of thyroid hormones, connective tissue, and several neurotransmitters.

Omega- 3 Fatty Acids- Research shows Omega-3 Fatty Acids reduce inflammation and may help lower the risk of chronic diseases. Omega-3 Fatty Acids are highly concentrated in the brain and is important for cognitive and behavioral function. In the our body, it protects against coronary heart disease; may protect against strokes; causes high density lipoprotein. 

Potassium- Works in the body by promoting regular heartbeat; promotes normal muscle contraction; regulates transfer of nutrients to cells; maintains water balance in body tissues and cells; stimulates normal movements of the intestinal tract.

Vitamin A- Works in the body promoting bone growth and teeth development; helps form and maintain healthy skin, hair, mucous membranes; builds body's resistance to respiratory and other infections.

Vitamin C- The primary role of this vitamin is to help build collagen, connective tissue. Collagen is the defense mechanism against disease and infection. Vitamin C plays a large role in the production of antibodies. When our immune system is fighting an infection, vitamin C helps increase the white blood cell count and function.

Vitamin D- Works in the body by absorbing calcium and phosphorous to aid in the development of bones and teeth; promotes normal cell growth and maturation; maintains a healthy nervous and immune system. 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

My Hope for Teens in 2012

Today I had a discussion with someone who has seen me at my best and worst. We talked about how all the "You can't do that" and "Just give up" has just fueled me to do everything they said "I couldn't". Don't get me wrong, when I first heard those statements, I fell apart. Maybe that person didn't believe in me, but I knew deep, deep (really, really, deep) down that I wanted it badly enough that I to believe in myself. And that's all it takes to do something: believe in yourself. Often people tell us we won't be able to accomplish something. My hope for everyone is that you take that statement and prove them wrong! It's so easy to let a statement like "You won't be able to do that" to get the best of us. But that's one person's opinion, what about your opinion? If you believe you can do it, you can! That's my hope for teenagers this year: I hope teenagers realize the power of belief. And for all those teenagers out there who says "No one believes in them." Guess what? I do!