Sunday, June 3, 2012

Healthy Summer Bucketlist 2012

The summer of 2012 is beginning-crazy, right!?! Last year I compiled a list of summer bucketlist ideas; this year I have done the same thanks to the help of some friends, Kayla and Kate. This year I really wanted to focus on health. Often people think of health of only the body, but there is a mind piece, too. So this year's bucketlist is good for your body, mind, and heart.

TeenSanity's Summer Bucketlist of 2012
-Cook an entire home-cooked, healthy meal with friends ("'Cause it's always fun to burn things with other people"~Kayla)
-Run a marathon, biathlon, or triathlon
-Wear a 'Free Hugs' t-shirt for an entire day (in public)
-Write yourself in ten years a letter, store it in a safe place, then open it ten years later
-Go rock climbing (with real rocks, outdoors)
-Eat an entire meal mindfully
-Plant a vegetable garden
-Attend a hot yoga class
-Have a smoothie stand (just took the lemonade stand to a whole new level)
-For an entire day compliment everyone you meet
-Do 50 or more crunches everyday (no excuses!!)
-Have a yoga session on the beach (Love this one)
-Tell your family "I love you" every single day
-Face your biggest fear
-Post an inspiration on every single day of the summer (you'll be surprised at how your outlook on life will become much brighter)
-Sleep under the stars
-Run (or dance!) in the rain
-Try a new workout, something you've never done before (Bootcamp training, Pilates, Barre method)
-Plant a tree
-Set a goal to of being able to do sixty pushups in a row by the end of the summer (or set a number of fitness goals)
-Have an entire meal consist of only raw food (let me emphasis, not raw meat!!!)
-Go to a public place (sidewalk) and write everything that makes you happy in chalk

Enjoy your summer:)

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