Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Found this on LifePulp:)

Looking for some inspiration? You've got to check out LifePulp. I found a post by Roman Price that I especially enjoyed and just had to share it on TeenSanity. So here it is:

"Life has a simple formula. The sum of all your choices equal the outcome.

For example, 

You can choose to get up after life knocks you down.
You can choose to better yourself or stay idle. 
You can choose to think positive or negative at all times.

You have more choices then you'll ever realize. 

Life is the sum of all your choices, this simple formula could predict your future. You just have to understand it."

For more inspiration visit LifePulp:

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Oh Stress!

I think stress can be a large part of being a teenager; especially between school, work, and a social life. Today I was feeling so overwhelmed with work that I didn't know where to began. I just sat for a good twenty minutes staring at my work and feeling more angst as time was wasted just sitting, doing nothing. One of my awesome teachers', Patrick, noticed my angst mood and encouraged me to get up and move or change my attention. At first I did not want to. I felt that would waste more of my time by doing something else. I came to the realization that I could either sit and stress about all the work I have to do or I can be proactive and try to clear my head with a quick walk. I decided that the walk was in my best interest to help handle my overwhelming emotions. Half-way through the walk with Patrick, I had a clearer head and I was able to realize a method that could help me deal with my work load. It was amazing how a five minute walk could clear my head and bring down my stress level tremendously! If your feeling stressed, I recommend a quick walk around the block or even a workout; it will do wonders for your mental health!

Friday, November 25, 2011

The Basics of Acai

I've been incorporating more acai into my daily diet. I love to start my day with an acai bowl, especially on the days I do a 5:30am workout. There's no better way to refuel than with some acai! Acai is a fruit found on the tops of palm trees along the banks of the Amazon. Acai has an abundant source of antioxidants, amino acids, and omega essential fatty acids. The antioxidant levels of the acai berry are higher than levels found in gogi berries, pomegranates, and blueberries. These high antioxidant levels help fight off free radicals. The combination of antioxidants, amino acids, and omega essential fatty acids help boost your metabolism and suppress appetite. The high fiber found in the fruit helps keep you feeling fuller longer. Pretty awesome, right? A study conducted by the University of Florida showed that the acai caused a "self-destruct" reaction in Leukemia cells. The best way to get all the benefits of acai is to eat it fresh and whole. If you don't live in an area where this is possible (like I do), I recommend the Sambazon acai products, especially their frozen acai puree. Be careful of the many acai scams out there!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Since Thanksgiving is tomorrow, I thought I'd talk about gratitude. I believe recognizing what we are thankful for improves the quality of our lives. When I realize all the good things I am blessed to have in my life, I don't sweat the small stuff, I become more humble, and I smile more. Without gratitude, every little mistake and failure would feel monumental. Focusing on the negative, does nothing good for you. Don't believe me? Make a list of all the bad things in your life; how do you feel after that? Then make a list of all the good things in your life (and if you say you can't, you're lying and denying yourself the opportunity to feel happy and blessed). After making a your 'good things' list, how do you feel? I hope this little exercise helps you to realize the power of the feeling of gratitude. Randy Pausch has a great quote about gratitude, it goes like this:

“Showing gratitude is one of the simplest yet most powerful things humans can do for each other.” 

Sunday, November 20, 2011

I Love My Snacks!

Those midmorning and afternoon snacks are what keep me going throughout the day. Without them I would be hungry and unable to focus and get work done! There's nothing worse than being hungry and having to complete a bunch of work or just make it through a class. So here are some yummy ideas for when your feeling hungry:
-Siggi's 0% milk fat yogurt (these yogurts are sweetened with agave nectar and are delicious)
-Serving size of carrots and a tablespoon of hummus or a mini-whole wheat pita pocket and a tablespoon of hummus (carrots and garlic hummus are one of my favorite combos)
-1/4 cup of almonds and raisins (another favorite combo)
-A glass of cocoa cashew milk (this can be found at Whole Foods)
-Celery, peanut butter, and raisins (otherwise known as "ants on a log")
-Apples and peanut butter (personally, self ground peanut butter is the best kind around)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Healthy Hot Cocoa

During these winter months, I feel we tend to try to warm up with a hot drink! But sometimes these hot drinks aren't the healthiest. Between the whole milk and the syrups put in these drinks, it's seems better to stay cold than to warm up! However, you have options that are just as delicious and healthy! Green tea sweetened with honey is always yummy. But I've come up with my own version of hot chocolate (and yes it involves almond milk). You can make a delicious cup of hot chocolate with a cup of unsweetened almond milk and two tablespoons of organic hot cocoa! The only cool thing about this warm drink is it's only 110 calories, 11 grams of sugar, and 3.5g of fat! Drink up!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Vibin' Jewelry...literally

Recently, I've discovered 'VibesUp' energy jewelry. Your probably thinking, "WTF is energy jewelry?" Well that's a good question; energy jewelry is pretty amazing. The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. In every emotion and feeling there is energy and vibrations. Every thought we have when combined with emotion, vibrates out into the universe and affects what we attract back into our life. Crazy, right?! For me, it can be very hard to be focusing on love and positive energy every second, of every day. Luckily 'VibesUp' jewelry and product does just that-they help keep our vibrations attracting good throughout the day, even when we are not thinking about it. 'VibesUp' jewelry combines essential oils, gemstones, and liquid crystal coding. The liquid crystal coding amplifies the energy from the gemstone like a natural good energy battery. I personally can feel the positive energy surrounding me when I am wearing my 'VibesUp' jewelry, it really works. I might be more sensitive to this considering my dad is doctor of energy medicine. If you want to surround yourself with positive energy all day long, go get some vibin' jewelry! 'VibesUp' website is

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Today's Topic: Stress

I apologize for not posting in over a week! This has never happened before! My power was down for six days and my internet was gone for seven. Luckily now everything is working and I can continue blogging. Today I wanted to discuss stress because honestly I've been feeling stressed and overwhelmed. I took on a new job as the business manager of Boss Jams Records, besides working after school, driver's ed, and building my own company. The usual feeling of stress is when everything seems to be "too much" and we are overwhelmed. Stress causes our blood pressure to rise, breathing becomes more rapid, digestive system slows down, heart rate rises, immune system goes down, muscles become tense, and we lose sleep. Stress causes our body to react in negative ways. Yesterday, I sent an email to Roman Price and he must've sensed my stress in the tone of my email. Roman responded with the best advice for dealing with stress, "Don't stress over the process. Enjoy it. Your best work comes out when you're having fun!" Immediately when I read that email, I took a deep breathe and realized stress is not helping my body or the work I am putting out. Instead of looking at all the work I have to do and seeing them as tasks, I have to remember to just enjoy what I am doing. When I am relaxed and enjoying my work, the quality of my life and work improves! Everyone needs to take Roman's advice and enjoy the journey of life, instead of stressing over it!