Thursday, June 16, 2011

Yoga for Stress Relief (especially during finals)

I am sorry for not posting in almost a week. I have Lyme disease and my symptoms came back full force, this week. So I am taking the antibiotics, but they make me feel worse. Luckily today is the first day I felt better! YAY! June is the month of finals for most students! Finals don't have to be stressful if you balance them with healthy food, exercise, and practicing some relaxation tips. If you think, you have no time for any of this, you are wrong. I use to freak out during finals and not take care of myself. I slept very little, ate anything, and just studied all the time. I have learned to practice yoga in times of stress and I take a yoga class every Monday. It's a great way to start my week and put me in a good mindset. Yoga helps loosen my muscles that get tense when I am stressed. Yoga poses are great to loosen the muscles, but practicing your breathing is just as or even more important. Shallow, rapid breaths are often correlated with stress. In yoga, the remedy for stress is yogic breathing. One way to do this is to focus on your breath. I like to count how many times I breathe in and out of my nose. Not only does this calm me down, but also distracts my brain from my constant thoughts! Feeling stressed? GO DO SOME YOGA!

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