Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Break Down of Vitamins and Minerals

I love it when I get suggestions for a post. So big 'THANK YOU' to Kayla for the suggestion and making sure I actually complete this post. Everyone always says, "You need more vitamin A or potassium or omega 3's." But no one ever tells us why we need those vitamins! So that's what I am here to do-to give you the break down on vitamins. Let's start by clarifying what a vitamin is: "any group of organic compounds that are essential for normal growth and nutrition and are required in small quantities in the diet because they cannot be synthesized by the body." Below are just a few of many essential vitamins:

Calcium-Aids in the metabolic functions necessary for normal activity of the nervous, skeletal, muscular systems and plays a significant role in normal heart function, kidney function, blood-clotting, and blood vessel integrity. In our body, calcium promotes normal growth and development; builds bones and teeth; and maintains bone density and strength. 

Iron- Is an essential part of our blood. In our body, iron transports oxygen and contributes to the storage of oxygen; forms part of several proteins and enzymes in the body; maintains a healthy immune system; assists in the production of thyroid hormones, connective tissue, and several neurotransmitters.

Omega- 3 Fatty Acids- Research shows Omega-3 Fatty Acids reduce inflammation and may help lower the risk of chronic diseases. Omega-3 Fatty Acids are highly concentrated in the brain and is important for cognitive and behavioral function. In the our body, it protects against coronary heart disease; may protect against strokes; causes high density lipoprotein. 

Potassium- Works in the body by promoting regular heartbeat; promotes normal muscle contraction; regulates transfer of nutrients to cells; maintains water balance in body tissues and cells; stimulates normal movements of the intestinal tract.

Vitamin A- Works in the body promoting bone growth and teeth development; helps form and maintain healthy skin, hair, mucous membranes; builds body's resistance to respiratory and other infections.

Vitamin C- The primary role of this vitamin is to help build collagen, connective tissue. Collagen is the defense mechanism against disease and infection. Vitamin C plays a large role in the production of antibodies. When our immune system is fighting an infection, vitamin C helps increase the white blood cell count and function.

Vitamin D- Works in the body by absorbing calcium and phosphorous to aid in the development of bones and teeth; promotes normal cell growth and maturation; maintains a healthy nervous and immune system. 

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