Monday, March 12, 2012

Importance of Protein

Protein. Everyone says we need it, but why? Protein is a macronutrient. Macronutrients are nutrients that provide energy. Protein is needed for growth, tissue repair, immune function, making essential hormones and enzymes, energy when carbohydrates are not available, and preserving lean muscle mass. This macronutrient can be found in meat, poultry, fish, eggs, cheese, milk, nuts, and smaller quantities in vegetables and whole grains. Our body breaks down protein into amino acids. Protein is necessary for every tissue, cell, and organ to function properly. Essential or complete proteins come from animals and contain all essential amino acids. Non essential or incomplete protein are low in essential amino acids and do not come from animals. According to the USDA, 10%-35% of calories should come from protein. Simply put, protein is a vital part of healthy diet and essential to a healthy body!


  1. Great overview on the importance of protein, Tessa!

    When to increase our recommended daily protein intake? ...when involved in strenuous strength training, and in recovering from surgery or some other physical trauma (to assist in the repair and regeneration).

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    Your blog is pretty awesome!
