Thursday, March 22, 2012

Raw Cashew Obsessed

These past couple of weeks I've been raw cashew obsessed. Yes I have a food obsession problem, but at least they are healthy foods! Once I discover a new food, I do tend to go a little crazy over them. But really, raw cashews have blown my mind with taste and benefits. Your probably thinking, "But that's high in fat! Why would I eat something fatty?" Well the fat content of nuts, including raw cashews, helps to satisfy your hunger and keeps you feeling full longer. The SUN study found that those who consumed nuts on a regular basis were actually at a reduced risk for weight gain. Let me clarify, that I am not encouraging you to eat your weight in cashews or an excess amount. 1/4 of cup of raw cashews and a piece of fruit is a great snack; that is enough to keep you satisfied. According to the author of Fire Your Doctor! How to be Independently Healthy, Andrew Saul, cashews are great for boosting your mood and helping to stabilize your thoughts because of it's high content of the amino acid tryptophan. Tryptophan produces the feeling of mellowness and is known as the "natural and healthy" Prozac. Just a large handful of cashews contains two thousand milligrams of tryptophan! The best part is they taste delicious too. I prefer raw cashews over roasted because I feel they are more flavorful and healthier. These are just a few reasons why I am obsessed with these cashews.

P.S. Did you ever notice cashews look like a smile? It's ironic that they have the power to make a person happier thus make one smile:)

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