Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What's for Breakfast?

I know many teenagers skip breakfast usually because they'd rather sleep than eat. I personally would rather go to bed at a decent hour and wake up earlier to prepare my breakfast. I am now preparing my food (yes I get possessive of my food...haha) the night before so when I wake up it's super fast and I can have a wholesome breakfast. So are you ready for my newest obsession? BREAKFAST BURRITOS...amazing. That's all I have to say about how yummy they are. I honestly use to be afraid to eat eggs because of the texture, but anymore! This burrito is super easy to make- I just chop an organic tomato and make guacamole or chop half an avocado and keep it with the pit, the night before. Then in morning I scramble two eggs with my already chopped tomato. Once the eggs are cooked, I add half of an avocado or guacamole or even salsa and put it into a sprouted grain tortilla. It takes me about ten minutes and you can eat it on the go! My favorite quality of this breakfast is that eggs contain nine essential amino acids that makes it easy for our bodies to absorb the protein. I have college level toxicology first thing every morning and honestly this breakfast gives me the focus and energy to sit through a 90 minute lecture!

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