Thursday, April 26, 2012

What to Eat When Traveling?

I apologize for not posting in so long! I went to Hawaii for a week and then when I returned home I had an extremely hard time adjusting to the time change. Finally, five days later, I seem to be back to my normal self. The fifteen hours of traveling each way inspired me to write this post.

Lesson One: Do NOT expect the airport or airplane to have tons of options or even any options. I flew into LAX (Continental terminal) with high expectations. For some reason in my head, I thought LAX would have a bunch of healthy food choices; smoothies, semi-decent salads. I was wrong. Thank goodness I made an amazing trail mix that I was able to snack on:)

Lesson Two: Plan ahead. As dorky as this may sound, it was really important. On the way home, I knew I would land in LA right at breakfast time. So before we left I went to a natural food market in Hawaii. I bought raw protein powder and a raw cacao gogi bar for my breakfast. Because I knew in the morning I was going to need protein and some superfood power to get me through the second six hour flight:)

Lesson Three: Stay hydrated. Drinking lots of water really helped me through my travels. Even though I hated having to pee so much due to my increase in consumption of water, I knew I felt a lot better because I was hydrated.

What do I suggest to bring for food?
~Individual Packets of Protein Powder (you can buy a water bottle after you get through security and you are good to go)
~Individual Packets of Peanut Butter or Almond Butter (bring an apple or maybe a whole grain cracker to combo it with)
~Fruit (apple, banana etc.)
~Make Your Own Trail Mix-fill your trail mix with what you desire! For me, I was craving raw cashews, almonds, sunflower seeds, raisins, and a bit of dark chocolate:)
~Greens Protein Bars
~Vigilant Eats (a gluten free, organic, oat based, cereal)

If you are in airport and you forget to bring food, Starbucks can be found practically everywhere and you can find a balanced choice there. I suggest the protein platter if you find yourself in that situation.

Hope these suggestions help with your travels:)