Monday, April 2, 2012

How to Survive Your Road Test

Yes I somehow managed to survive and PASS my road test (may I add, by some miracle, as I was extremely nervous). I feel as if I have accomplished a major teenage milestone. Wow is it a great feeling (and a relief)! I do have some tips to stay sane before and during the test that helped me. One practice beforehand, but not right before. This is a personal suggestion as I am one who like to practices as much as possible the day before and then the day off just try to stay calm and focused, but if you are one who like to practice or study for a test the day of-go ahead. I, personally, knew I was comfortable and ready. I didn't want to practice the day of because I thought it might add to my stress (especially if I messed up). Two, stay in the present moment. I am one who will over think everything, but it helped me to stay calm by reminding myself to be present. I noticed I was making myself nervous over the test by trying to guess what would happen. So I turned it around by being aware of my thoughts and how they were affecting my nerves. This helped me to separate my nerves from my reality, so in the moment of the test I was able to be present and not let my nervous thoughts control my test. Last but not least, take care of your body beforehand-eat well and be well rested. Make sure your body has the best possible fuel to perform at it's peak performance. I know it seems silly that what you eat can affect your road test, but you want to be your best possible self and functioning at your full potential, so help your body out and eat well and sleep the night before (as hard as it might be). Some eggs with turkey bacon and fresh fruit or a protein smoothie are two great options to eat beforehand. One thing I suggest you don't do is leave the car running and run out when the DMV person tells you "you passed"-I did that and I really don't recommend it, but hey! I still got my license!

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