Saturday, February 5, 2011

Why is exercise important?

Get off your couch and get moving! Exercise is a major component in living a healthy and well balanced lifestyle. Before when I didn't exercise on a regular basis, I had trouble sleeping, lots of unnecessary anxiety, I didn't like the way I looked, and I felt tired all of the time. These are common problems of teenagers, but if you choose to make a change, you will feel better. It is recommended that teenagers get 60 minutes of physical activity a day. When you start exercising, start slowly, don't push your body to do things it doesn't have the strength or stamina for. Even taking your dog on a long walk is a start. If this hasn't convinced you to exercise maybe these facts will. Exercise can help you change your body in a positive way. People exercise have a body that is more toned than those who don't. Exercise helps lower your risk for certain diseases such as high blood pressure and type two diabetes. Exercise not only helps tone your body, but also calm your mind and help you to sleep. I will be coming out with fitness videos! I am looking forward to creating workout routines for teenagers!

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