Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Why should you read TeenSanity?

Some people may believe TeenSanity is just a blog, but it's not. It's a seed to help teenagers grow and develop into their true selves. Most parents dread the teenager years. But why should they? Well because our reputation isn't very good. We are known to cause trouble, experiment with things we shouldn't, and become something we are not. TeenSanity is a glimpse of the true potential teenagers have! We have the power to be unique individuals during these teenage years. I often see glimpses of the true teenager; unique, filled with energy, and wanting to make a difference in the world. I believe all teenagers have the power to become a true teenager. TeenSanity is a little guide map to help teenagers find their true potential through exploring food, exercise, and life. I try to offer teenagers my advice through my own struggles and triumphs during the years of adolescence. Giving teenagers recipes, exercises, and life tips, TeenSanity  attempts to "make being healthy cool." TeenSanity is planting the seed to establish a community of teenagers who want to better themselves and the world! Join me on my journey to find some sanity during these "insane" years!

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