Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Food Inc.

Personally, I have a big interest in the food industry especially when companies develop abundant and inexpensive sources of food including factory farming and genetic engineering. I am the only student in my AP BioChemistry class, therefore I have been lucky enough to choose this as a focal point. So to start off my class this year, my teacher and I watched Food Inc. This incredible movie exposes America's industrialized and it's effect on our environment, health, and worker's rights. Focusing on finding organic and local food, diabetes, obesity, factory farming, pesticides, environmental impact, cloning, and food borne illness. There are a couple of things that stood out and really made an impact on me (so far I am only half way through it). Such as some of our most important foods have been fundamentally altered, and genetically engineered meat and produce have unfortunately invaded our homes. And in January 2008, the FDA approved the sale of meat and milk cloned! Factory Farming is another super gross part of the food industry. Almost 10 billion animals are raised and killed in the US annually. Nearly all of them are raised  on factory farms under disgusting conditions! I would share more, but I don't want to give it all away! Go watch Food Inc. or visit their website: http://www.foodincmovie.com/index.php I AM STARVING FOR A CHANGE, SO GO GET HUNGRY FOR A CHANGE WITH ME:)

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