Thursday, September 15, 2011

Those OVERWHELMING Back To School Feelings...

Oh going back to school-it's exciting and can be very stressful! It's really hard to go from waking up whenever you feel like it, to having to get in the school door before the first bell! Not to mention getting use to taking tests and having homework, again, while balancing a social life, or applying to college, or taking drivers education, or maybe working after school? So how can we balance our lives without losing our mind? I know after I get home from work and school, I just want to do my homework and go to sleep. I go to bed early and I make time for my workouts by getting up an hour early to exercise and shower. I then make sure to pack enough food to keep me energized throughout the day. What's in my lunchbox? I bring a 'Siggi's' yogurt, salad loaded with tomatoes, avocado and peppers, a baked chicken breast, and for when I work after school I pack an apple with peanut butter. I eat each item every few hours to keep my metabolism going! I have learned what my body needs to stay full and keep me energized. I start off my day with a protein shake, and if I still feeling hungry I have a serving size of 'Udi's' granola. Not only do I have to keep my body happy, but my mind. So when I am feeling stressed out and thinking about all the work I have to do, I re-evaluate what I have to do. I decide what can wait and what I need to complete. I remind myself that it is not the end of the world if I can't get everything done; instead I focus on one thing at a time. And for daily inspiration I check Roman Price's twitter (!/RomanPrice) for some awesome motivational and inspirational quotes! My current favorite quote by Roman that helps me maintain my sanity is, "Courage is being scared to death of what's around the corner, but looking anyway."You can be courageous and survive this school year-just make sure you balance all aspects of your life!

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