Monday, February 20, 2012

Help Label GMOs

A GMO (genetically modified organism)  is an organism that has been changed by injecting it with a gene from another species. Herbicide tolerant crops are engineered to survive the direct application of herbicides, chemicals that would normally kill or stunt the growth of the crop. Bt crops produce are genetically engineered to produce toxins that kill certain agriculture. What freaks me out is we eat these crops that are engineered to produce toxins-we don't know how that affects our body?! The funny thing is 30 other countries around the world have banned GMOs or set regulations because they are not proven safe-the U.S. is not one of them. According to California's Department of Agriculture, 70% of processed foods found in American supermarkets contain genetically modified ingredients. 86% of corn and 93% of soybeans grown in the U.S. are genetically engineered. Think about all the foods that are made out of those two simple products? Corn syrup, soy lecithin, sugar, vegetable oil, and cottonseed oil. The only way to be certain you are not eating genetically modified food is to buy organic because by law organic foods cannot be genetically engineered. You can tell the FDA to label genetically engineered foods at

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