Monday, November 29, 2010

Creating a Healthy Body

My blog is about helping teenagers achieve a healthy lifestyle. But I am finding it's extremely hard to know what is healthy because everyone has a different opinion. And everyone has a different way of achieving a goal. Yesterday I was so super excited because I bought this book 'The Abs Diet'. And I was so happy because I was like 'Yes! A roadmap to get abs! I will have abs by the time I am in Hawaii, no problem.' But then I started to read and analyze what I was reading. I really like the author's food outline. I love having a plan and he gives you one, which is awesome. But he includes a lot of diary products which I normally don't eat as much of because my sister has a dairy intolerance. So then this made me think is this why I haven't had the exact results I wanted? But doesn't diary make you bloat? I am trying to find the most effective way to get abs, not just for me, but for everyone. I want abs without stressing myself out. As I kept reading the workouts weren't very intense. I am at a higher level than the workouts he is suggesting, so do I do his and go backwards? These are the questions that are constantly bothering me. And I don't want anyone to stress themselves out because they are questioning my knowledge. Trust me I will question myself more then any prosecuting attorney would. This week TeenSanity is going to try new things and create workouts and food plans that will be so thought out you don't have to do the questioning because I already have. It's hard to create a healthy lifestyle when you are surrounded by teenagers who would prefer to eat chips and watch television than drink V8 and go running. That's why I am here. You are not the only one trying to live a healthy life as a teenager. My goal (as lame as it may sound) is to make being healthy "cool." And this week I want to help everyone create a roadmap for them self to a healthy lifestyle and body. I am doing this too. I know it's not easy and overwhelming, but it's a lot easier when you know others are struggling too. So let's go try to get abs, I don't know what will happen, but we sure will find out. It's a journey and I don't know where we are going to end up, but I know it's going to be okay and whether it takes us months, years, or a week we are all together going to lead a healthy life no matter what struggles or bumps in the road we may face.

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