Sunday, January 16, 2011


When you are in need of a snack, grab a handful of almonds. I personally could eat almonds and raisins all day (best combination ever, in my opinion). Not only because they are super delicious, but healthy. Almonds are loaded with Vitamin E! Vitamin E is a name for a-Tocopherol. Which is the most important antioxidant of fats, and that it protects cell membranes from oxidation (the loss of one molecule when two or more substances interact). I know us teenagers aren't to interested in our cell membranes, but we do tend to obsess over our skin. Almonds help improve our complexion. You can eat almonds or apply almond oil to your face and massage it in, this too will enhance your complexion. I personally don't apply almond oil to my face, but I have read and researched it and people believe it makes your skin fairer and less oily. If you do decide to try almond oil. Here is what is recommended to do. Since this is a natural product, it is affected by temperature and sunlight. Make sure to purchase oil in a dark jar to protect it from sunlight. Keep the oil in a cool dark place, and be sure to use it quickly after opening because it will lose it's quality. Apply small dabs to your face, your face should not feel like you are drowning in oil. I consume a handful of almonds, sometimes every day, and this helps my skin stay clear. I am not saying almonds are the cure for acne, but they do help in the fight for clear skin!

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