Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Pre-Midterm Prep!

I know midterms are coming up and the normal feeling is stress and anxiousness, especially before the first one. I use to get so nervous about taking tests. I would wake up super early (3am) to study and that is not healthy and I don't recommend it. Now I have learned the best way to start your day before a midterm. What I do before I take a test is visualize myself taking a test. Take a few moments to close your eyes and picture yourself taking the test, worry-free, finding it easy, and being totally relaxed. You can also picture where you are going to sit and the grade you want to get. I do this before I take tests and it really helps me stay calm. For breakfast before a midterm, make sure you eat lots of protein and very little sugar (if it's natural like from fruit, that's okay). I would make myself a protein smoothie with fruit and almond milk or make myself scrambled eggs and fresh fruit and a slice of whole wheat toast with natural peanut butter. This is the best way to start any day, but especially a day filled with tests! Good luck on your midterms!

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