Friday, November 25, 2011

The Basics of Acai

I've been incorporating more acai into my daily diet. I love to start my day with an acai bowl, especially on the days I do a 5:30am workout. There's no better way to refuel than with some acai! Acai is a fruit found on the tops of palm trees along the banks of the Amazon. Acai has an abundant source of antioxidants, amino acids, and omega essential fatty acids. The antioxidant levels of the acai berry are higher than levels found in gogi berries, pomegranates, and blueberries. These high antioxidant levels help fight off free radicals. The combination of antioxidants, amino acids, and omega essential fatty acids help boost your metabolism and suppress appetite. The high fiber found in the fruit helps keep you feeling fuller longer. Pretty awesome, right? A study conducted by the University of Florida showed that the acai caused a "self-destruct" reaction in Leukemia cells. The best way to get all the benefits of acai is to eat it fresh and whole. If you don't live in an area where this is possible (like I do), I recommend the Sambazon acai products, especially their frozen acai puree. Be careful of the many acai scams out there!

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