Sunday, November 6, 2011

Today's Topic: Stress

I apologize for not posting in over a week! This has never happened before! My power was down for six days and my internet was gone for seven. Luckily now everything is working and I can continue blogging. Today I wanted to discuss stress because honestly I've been feeling stressed and overwhelmed. I took on a new job as the business manager of Boss Jams Records, besides working after school, driver's ed, and building my own company. The usual feeling of stress is when everything seems to be "too much" and we are overwhelmed. Stress causes our blood pressure to rise, breathing becomes more rapid, digestive system slows down, heart rate rises, immune system goes down, muscles become tense, and we lose sleep. Stress causes our body to react in negative ways. Yesterday, I sent an email to Roman Price and he must've sensed my stress in the tone of my email. Roman responded with the best advice for dealing with stress, "Don't stress over the process. Enjoy it. Your best work comes out when you're having fun!" Immediately when I read that email, I took a deep breathe and realized stress is not helping my body or the work I am putting out. Instead of looking at all the work I have to do and seeing them as tasks, I have to remember to just enjoy what I am doing. When I am relaxed and enjoying my work, the quality of my life and work improves! Everyone needs to take Roman's advice and enjoy the journey of life, instead of stressing over it!

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