Saturday, April 30, 2011

Caffeine and Anxiety

So far, today for me, has been all about research (5 hours to be exact), so when I felt myself fading I headed straight for the tea kettle and made myself some green tea. Two cups of tea later, I felt super anxious and jittery, I always forget that caffeine can make one feel anxious and for someone who struggles with an anxiety disorder this can cause panic attacks. Caffeine is considered a stimulant because it stimulates the body's central nervous systems and for a short while increases your metabolism. Caffeine works by suppressing the chemical adenosine found in our brains'. Adenosine causes drowsiness. When caffeine enters the bloodstream, our bodies can't distinguish between adenosine and caffeine, and causes a spike in energy! Caffeine causes an increase in heart rate and can make one feel like their heart is pounding, even causing panic attacks. A panic attack is an intense feeling of terror and losing control, you feel like the world is ending and there is nothing you can do to stop it! Caffeine can worsen anxiety and panic disorders, also causing jitters, headaches, and irregular heartbeat. If you start to feel anxious for an unknown reason, it might be because you have consumed caffeine!

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